Monday, June 25, 2007

Become Part of the ‘Recycling for Charity’ Program!

Did you know that aluminum, which was discovered in the 1820s, is the most abundant metal on earth? There are many things about this metal that you are probably unaware of. For instance, due to the fact that people recycle over half of the aluminum cans, two thirds of the aluminum ever produced is still being used today. This is also possible due to the qualities of this metal, durability and sustainability.

Moreover, did you know it only takes up to sixty days for a can to be recycled and back on the shelves as a new can, and that more than 100,000 aluminum cans are being recycled every minute? Or that the energy saved by recycling one can could keep you television running for about four hours? Transforming used cans into new ones takes about 95% less energy than it would take to make cans using virgin ore. Just imagine this: if you toss away an aluminum can and not recycle it, the energy loss is comparable to how much you would lose if you were to pour out half that can’s volume of gasoline.

If these facts don’t convince you that you should start recycling aluminum cans, let us give you some more reasons. For instance, are you aware of the environmental benefits this action has? These include saving natural resources, energy, money and time. What about the economic benefits? Over $800 million are paid annually by the aluminum industry for empty cans. Think about all the things this money could be used for! Due to its properties, aluminum can be recycled entirely and indefinitely, and the aluminum can is the most recyclable of all materials.

If you still have doubts about the importance of recycling aluminum cans, consider recycling for charity. The money that the aluminum industry pays for the used cans annually could go to charitable organizations, and really make a difference for people who need it the most.

Recycle for charities such as providing better education, helping the elderly and the homeless, fighting poverty, developing your community, AIDS research, and many more.

Aside from keeping our environment clean, and providing a useful resource for the recycling industry, you can recycle for charities, and help charitable organizations earn funds for their projects.

Recycling for charity is a noble act, as it can eventually lead to the improvement of the lives of many people in need, such as people with incurable diseases, whose condition requires expensive treatments, homeless people, old people, children in need of better living conditions and a proper education. You can contribute to all of these, by doing no more than recycling the aluminum cans that you have used.

A simple as this concept may seem, try to think of the big picture, and think of yourself as one of the many people who recycle for charity. How can you become an active part of this process? It is very simple. All it takes is that you place a container for used cans next to your beverage vending machine or inside the lunchroom in your building. The organization handling this program will take care of the rest. Recycling for charity is that easy!