Monday, June 25, 2007

Spotting Bipolar Symptom Possibilities Can Lead To Help

Living with bipolar disorder can be difficult at best. Getting the correct diagnosis and treatment is generally the first hurdle to overcome in helping a person lead a normal, productive life. The hitch with coming up with the correct diagnosis in this case is that bipolar symptom possibilities tend to come in two completely different sets.

An estimated 70 percent of all those with diagnosed bipolar disorder have suffered through incorrect diagnosis and treatment. The most common misdiagnosis for this condition is depression, since the signs of this particular phase tend to be a little more troublesome for those around a patient. Unfortunately, misdiagnosis tends to lead to poor or incorrect management of the condition, which means individual bipolar symptom possibilities can still arise.

This biological condition does not have a blood test to screen for it. It also does not have any terribly easy to spot signs. Generally, a person must endure several full swing episodes before there is even a chance for diagnosis and treatment of the chemical imbalance in their brains that causes this condition.

The most common bipolar symptom and signs will depend on the phase of the cycle. For example, a bipolar symptom in the manic phase will likely be quite different from those present during the depressive state.

Some of the most common bipolar symptom possibilities, by phase include:


During this phase of bipolar disorder a person's mood is greatly elevated and they tend to be the life of the party, but some more serious bipolar symptom possibilities might arise, as well. They include:

* Inflated ego or self-esteem. People who display this bipolar symptom tend to have an elevated self-worth and also tend to misjudge their own abilities and talents.

* Racing thoughts. This symptom has people moving from subject to subject in speech without much rhyme or reason.

* Lack of sleep. Those who are in the manic phase are known to go long periods of time without sleep or rest.

* Increase risk taking. The manic phase also brings about, or can, a lessened inhibition to taking risks. This might mean a person will become sexually active with strangers, might take drugs or could be more willing to go into debt and make very bad financial decisions.


The typical symptoms of this state tend to mirror actual clinical depression. This is the number one reason so many people with bipolar disorder are misdiagnosed. The symptoms of this phase include:

* Feelings of sadness, guilt or hopelessness.
* A lack of desire to perform normal activities, including favorite hobbies.
* Appetite changes. This might include a lack of desire to eat or binging on some food items.
* Fatigue.
* Thoughts of suicide or death.

When mood swings are evident and symptoms from both side of bipolar disorder are present, it is extremely important for people to push for the right diagnosis. When a bipolar symptom is spotted and the trend is there, getting help can lead to control. This means a correct diagnosis can keep the symptoms in check and help those who suffer from this condition lead relatively normal lives.