Monday, June 25, 2007

Simple Steps to Organizing Your Home Fast for Fun Entertaining

Sometimes, parties just fall together and you've been elected as the host! Whether your friends are getting together to watch your favorite medical drama, or there's something that just needs to be celebrated, you might not have as much time to plan your get together as you would like. Don't panic, though! There's lots of things you can do to organize your home for a fast fun evening and by keeping that in mind, you'll make sure that everyone has a great time!

If your home is a little messier than you would prefer for a party, there are some quick fixes that can make your abode more palatable. There's always the grab and toss method of cleaning, where you rope off certain areas of your house behind closed doors. You can throw things in those rooms until after the party. Remember this isn't a permanent fix, no matter how nice your living room looks! If your furniture itself is stained or broken, consider getting slipcovers as a stop-gap measure.

The important thing about your party is that everyone have a good time, and the responsibility for that falls on you. In terms of quick refreshment, there's a lot you can do. You can head to your local supermarket for a deli tray of meat and cheese, and while you're there, consider picking up some fruit as well. Pepperoni and crackers are sort of boring, but very few people will turn down ripe strawberries or slices of pineapple. If you want to be a bit more original, considering serving slices of starfruit or lychee berries. These more exotic fruit will be a lovely delicacy for your guests.

If there's something special you want to watch, be it the Super Bowl or the season premiere of your favorite show, you can really wow your guests by renting a big screen TV. These rentals are cheaper than you might think, and some are available under very short notice. Watch your favorite shows blown up to near-movie screen sizes in the comfort of your own home!

In terms of keeping everyone in entertained, you can always prepare some games in case the conversation lags. If you're really pressed for time, you can download games directly off of the computer. The best games tell your guests things they didn't know about each other and draw everyone in. As the host, you'll be acquainted with everyone invited; find something that will suit your group of friends. Keep in mind that everyone should be comfortable and plan accordingly.

Just before the party, do a quick walk-through to make sure that you haven't forgotten anything. Remember things like paper towels, paper plates, disposable silverware and toilet paper, and make sure that if you need to go out to get them that you have plenty of time. If you care to decorate, this is possible even at the last minute; just head to the store and get some streamers and banners and you'll be set.

There's a lot you can do to make sure that you're party goes smoothly and with a little bit of forethought, you can ensure your guests have a great time!